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The counter of the number of people on the planet earth recently exceeded SEVEN BILLION.

Of course, life is good, but the more people on earth, the more they consume the resources of the earth, which, alas, are not infinite.
Saifon Technologies
starts with itself!
The moment has long come when it is important to stop and accept your responsibility for the land.
We believe that it is still possible to save the Earth from an ecological catastrophe — the main thing is to start with yourself.
Saifon Technologies is an international company for the production of printed circuit boards.
On similar proceedings, we dealing with a huge number of different materials and chemical compounds of varying degrees of harm to production workers and ecology. Without this, it is impossible to produce boards.

But the attitude to these dangerous substances is important. New directives and regulations for production are constantly being adopted all over the world. Our company takes into account all new conditions and works only within their framework. Thus, we"limit the harm of our plants and"if we do not"make nature cleaner, then"at least" reduce the harm caused.
What is Saifon Technologies
Our company understands that large-scale production strongly affects the environment, which is especially reflected in the inhabitants of third world countries.
We believe that if each production realizes its responsibility and begins to reduce the emission of harmful substances, it will greatly help the Earth.
What can a large company do for the environment
There are several problems in the production of printed circuit boards:
Work with hazardous substances that directly affects the company's employees.
We regulate work with hazardous substances and minimize the contact of workers with them – special equipment, not a person, performs the processes, especially in places where there is a release of dangerous vapors due to heating of the material.
When creating devices based on boards made of hazardous materials, such as lead or mercury, when sending these devices to landfill, substances eventually end up in the human body through the water supply and poison the environment.
We are struggling with the second problem by studying all the rules for minimizing hazardous substances in production — for example, we use the RoHS directive, which restricts the import of devices containing mercury, lead, etc. into EU countries. We use lead-free coatings.

For example, we use the lead free PCB finish coating, which does not contain lead. This is important not only so that people at work do not inhale a dangerous substance, but also for the safety of non-recyclable waste that accumulates in huge landfills in Africa and other third world countries.
The energy that the company spends to ensure that production runs smoothly all year round.
We regulate work with hazardous substances and minimize the contact of workers with them – special equipment, not a person, performs the processes, especially in places where there is a release of dangerous vapors due to heating of the material
We regulate work with hazardous substances and minimize the contact of workers with them – special equipment, not a person, performs the processes, especially in places where there is a release of dangerous vapors due to heating of the material.
Another problem is liquid waste, which is divided into three types:
Water from washing printed circuit boards after different types of chemical treatment
Etching solutions of boards that contain acids and alkalis, as well as copper ions
Spent technological solutions
With all the desire to save the planet and help eco-activists, Siphon Technologies understands that everyone has their own area of responsibility.
For example, if the director of the production of printed circuit boards goes to plant trees, this is undoubtedly good. But is it normal if a person whose company throws tons of waste into nature will turn a blind eye to it, pretending that planting trees is more important than dealing with it?

The company understands its area of responsibility, because the director is working to ensure that his company is as harmless to the environment as possible, and an ordinary employee will throw the packaging from his lunch into the appropriate container for packaged garbage.
The area of responsibility of our company