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Electronics news

High Carbon Solder - Report by Dean Payne, Product Manager, Indium Corporation

High-carbon solder has long been the standard die attach material for discrete power devices.

However, leading device manufacturers are actively working with suppliers to find alternatives. In addition to Pb-free solders, other options are being considered, including TLPS, adhesives, and sintering materials. Focusing on a new high-temperature Pb-free solder made from a dual alloy, Payne will review the pros and cons of various material options and explain why Pb-free solder shows the most promise as an alternative to high-Pb solutions.

"The results and analysis presented show how the new Pb-free solder outperforms Pb-based solder in several aspects of performance and reliability," said Payne. "Successful customer testing indicates that the new Pb-free solder is ready for industry adoption."

Paine is responsible for driving profitable growth for Indium Corporation's power semiconductor materials business, which includes Pb-rich pastes for die attach, high-temperature Pb-free solutions, and sintering materials.