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Electronics news

Advanced line of solder pastes from MacDermid Alpha

MacDermid Alpha has introduced a comprehensive line of technologically advanced solder pastes designed to enhance performance.

They demonstrate excellent wetting and solderability with minimal void formation on a variety of Cu, CuOSP and NiAu coatings and provide low temperature and easy removal of water-soluble flux residue with standard DI flushing (< 40°C).

The line of solder pastes are:
1. ALPHA WS-699CPS is a water-soluble lead-free solder paste that guarantees excellent soldering performance.
2. ALPHA WS-698CPS is a highly active water-soluble lead-free solder paste that provides high soldering performance with low void content.
3. ALPHA WS-693CPS - water soluble lead-free solder paste with zero halogen content, low void formation.
4. ALPHA NCP-LR002 - lead-free solder paste with excellent soldering characteristics.
5. ALPHA NCP-390 - lead-free solder paste that does not require cleaning and meets halogen content requirements. Stable performance for up to 8 hours of continuous printing.
6. ALPHA NCP-1213 is a high lead halogen-free solder paste that does not require cleaning.