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Over the past few decades, the telecommunications industry has changed tremendously as the progress does not stand still.

Technologies, protocols, data transfer rates – everything has changed.
But one thing that remains unchanged is the use of printed circuit boards in almost all types of telecommunications equipment. However, the production technologies of these essential components have also changed.
And now, as a rule, ultra-compact HDI boards are used in telecommunications units and systems. You will learn about them in our next publication.
PCBs for telecommunications
To begin with, let's define the wording of the concept itself. What is an HDI PCB?
Structure and production of HDI PCBs
To begin with, let's define the wording of the concept itself. What is an HDI PCB? The answer is in the abbreviation, which stands for High Density Interconnect. In Russian, this term can be translated as high-density boards. This means that in such components there is a significantly higher density of all basic elements, the dimensions of the grid and tracks, gaps and contact pads are reduced. The holes are made using the thinnest and most accurate laser, and the mounted elements have extremely small dimensions.

Such a requirement is quite understandable, and logical. Modern equipment tends to constantly reduce its size and at the same time to increase productivity and functionality. Therefore, PCBs simply must follow these trends. So must their production.
Scope of application of high-density PCBs in telecommunications
As already mentioned, PCBs of this type are common in almost all devices used in the telecommunications industry.
This is an incomplete list of areas where their use is particularly noticeable:
— all types of modern telephone switching;
— online signal amplification systems;
— cellular mobile communication – telephones, base stations, etc.;
— other types of wireless communication – radiotelephones, satellite communications, etc.
— routers, servers;
— space technologies;
— modern military lines of communication;
— aircrafts, drones and suchlike;
— private branch exchanges (PBX);
— voice data transmission systems using VoIP technology (Voice Internet Protocol).
Of course, this list can be continued, but in general we can say that wherever there are telecommunications, there are modern PCBs. Including PCBs produced by Saifon Technologies.
One of the essential things about the production of PCBs for telecommunications components is the increased requirements for quality in general and operational characteristics in particular. PCBs work as part of systems operated in extreme cold and heat, in weightlessness and radiation, non-stop and intensively. That is why we have quite consciously and reasonably placed the issue of choosing a supplier in a separate publication.
To avoid a mistake choosing a manufacturer of aluminum PCBs, it is necessary to take a very responsible and thorough approach.
How to choose the right partner for production of HDI aluminum PCBs
It is important to understand that in such fine and complex areas as high technology (including telecommunications), the price does not always play a decisive role. The experience, competencies and technological capabilities that the production site of each manufacturer can offer are much more important.

The rush to choose or the pursuit of dumping rates can turn into not just problems, but a disaster. That is, obtaining low-quality products that do not meet the criteria of quality and reliability, safety requirements, or other conditions.

It is no exaggeration to say that Saifon Technologies is one of the key players in this market not only in the Moscow region and the Central Federal District, but also in Russia. The company's specialists have years of active, intensive and effective work, continuous improvement and continuous development. The production facilities are equipped with the latest technology and allow to produce HDI aluminum PCBs with surgical precision. Write, call and come – we are always ready for dialogue and cooperation.