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PCBs are used for mechanical and electronic connection of various components.

Those, in turn, should lead to a certain result, which is known in advance.
In order to simplify and standardize functions, built-in integrated circuits are traditionally used. They allow both to simplify the production process and eliminate unnecessary expenses for creating a project, as well as save space by replacing an entire block of an electronic computer.
Saifon Technologies offers customers integrated circuits of all types for PCBs, guaranteeing their high reliability and quality.
A microchip (chip) is a miniature electronic device that consists of a huge number of radio-electronic elements.
What is an integrated circuit?
They are electrically and structurally interconnected. In other words, it is a certain set of active and passive components (resistors, transistors, capacitors, diodes, and so on) combined into a chip.

The chip is placed on a semiconductor substrate for subsequent signal conversion.

This approach makes it possible to abandon the outdated process, when for each task it was necessary to develop a signal conversion and processing scheme from scratch. Now you can use ready-made standardized solutions that have their undeniable advantages:
Unification and typification:
In addition to reducing the nomenclature, this makes it possible to increase the sequence of operations and the release of chips, which reduces time for preparation and implementation;
Chips, if we take all the elements of the integrated circuit, are much lower at cost than the totality of the same components. And if we include development and testing, the cost differs drastically;
The chip can have any functions, even be an entire microcomputer.
Types of integrated circuits
Types of integrated circuits
Degree of integration (number of elements):
Small-scale integrated circuit (SSI) – up to 100 total components;
Medium-scale integrated circuit (MSI) – from 101 to 999
Large-scale integrated circuit (LSI) – from 1 to 10 thousand
Very-large-scale integration circuit (VLSI) – more than 10 thousand
Ultra-large and giga-large ones can be noted separately. Today these names are rarely used, and all such chips are classified as very-large-scale. Still you can meet ultra-large and giga-large.
All components are made in the form of films. There are two subclasses, depending on the thickness - thick-film and thin-film integrated circuit;
Individual elements, as well as the compounds between them, are concentrated on a single crystal;
Such a chip consists of a certain number of active shell-less components, as well as passive ones, which are manufactured by film technology on a substrate. All elements, including the substrate, are placed in a sealed case;
Production technology:
Passive elements applied to the crystal surface by a film method are added to the semiconductor crystal.
Such integrated circuits operate in a continuous range. The transformation and processing take place by smoothly changing the main influencing forces – voltage or current. They are most often used as operational or multi-purpose amplifiers.
They operate at several, rigidly predefined signal amplitude levels. Logic gates process binary input data or digital data, such as 1 and 0. They are found in computers, microprocessors, computer networks, and so on;
They are obtained as a result of combining digital and analog chips on one crystal. They are used as converters (digital-analog and analog-digital) and clock integrated circuits.
By the type of signal being processed: