Electronics news

How to build an inverter at home?

2024-03-21 12:26
Building an inverter at home can be an enjoyable and educational project.

Basic components: four power transistors, a step-up transformer, several capacitors, rectifier diodes, resistors, heat sinks, a printed circuit board for mounting the components, a battery or other DC source, and a case.

Tools and accessories: soldering iron and solder, multimeter, wire cutters and strippers, screwdrivers, drill, heat shrink tubing, terminal blocks or wire connectors.

1. Design the circuit. A push-pull inverter power circuit is reliable.
2. Assemble the components.
3. Prepare the printed circuit board.
4. Assemble the circuit. Insert the power transistors into the PCB, securing them. Solder the transformer, capacitors, diodes, and resistors to the PCB following the schematic. Connect the battery or DC source to the appropriate points on the PCB. Double check all connections and component locations before starting.
5. Check and correct any malfunctions.
6. Close the inverter. Select a suitable enclosure according to the size of your inverter and make the necessary openings for ventilation, AC input and output.
7. Test and operate.