Electronics news

Bluetooth LE in automotive applications

2023-12-09 12:33
As the number of sensors, security and infotainment systems in automobiles grows, so does the need to connect them to on-board computers.

Bluetooth LE is a low-power and cost-effective wireless technology for the Internet of Things designed for use in automobiles. In the near future, Bluetooth LE will be able to customize the user experience based on individual digital keys and profiles. For example, the car will be able to automatically detect the profile stored in the driver's or passenger's cell phone and then seamlessly adjust the position of mirrors, seats and steering wheel according to individual preferences.

It will also be possible to create shared keys for multiple car users, ultimately making "phone as key" a practical solution to the emerging trend of car sharing. However, this will require the highest level of security for the profiles to prevent them from being copied by third parties who could steal or alter the car's controls.

In addition to using Bluetooth LE in the car's interior, it will be possible to use the technology in battery management systems to send battery temperature and voltage information to a host computer. Bluetooth LE will also be able to help OEMs reduce costs through features such as wireless tire pressure monitoring systems (TPMS) that will allow drivers to check tire pressure with their phones or even receive notifications of flat tires.

Bluetooth LE will also make it easier to develop control systems for multi-position seats, mirrors, locks and sunroofs. In addition to ultra-low power consumption, a small form factor and the ability to securely transmit data inside and outside the vehicle are critical requirements when selecting a Bluetooth LE-enabled MCU for in-vehicle use.