MidHUH is a MIDI controller created by the author of "HNGGGGGGMMHGG" (HNG) using the Teensy 4.1 board and unique sensors.
The inspiration for this new electronic instrument came from a school assignment - a project to design a musical instrument with Arduino.
To realize this project, HNG used unusual sensors that are not usually used in musical instruments: a pair of ultrasonic distance sensors (e.g. HC-SR04), two force sensitive resistors (FSR), four EC11 rotary encoders with switches and a HW-103 humidity sensor.
The author placed all of these in a 3D printed enclosure for durability and ease of use. The sensors are connected to a Teensy 4.1 board, which communicates with a digital audio workstation (DAW) via USB. Getting everything to work together was a challenge, but in the end HNG pulled it off. He is now working on a song that he hopes to release soon!
To realize this project, HNG used unusual sensors that are not usually used in musical instruments: a pair of ultrasonic distance sensors (e.g. HC-SR04), two force sensitive resistors (FSR), four EC11 rotary encoders with switches and a HW-103 humidity sensor.
The author placed all of these in a 3D printed enclosure for durability and ease of use. The sensors are connected to a Teensy 4.1 board, which communicates with a digital audio workstation (DAW) via USB. Getting everything to work together was a challenge, but in the end HNG pulled it off. He is now working on a song that he hopes to release soon!