Electronics news

Bulletproof material for sensors

2023-11-05 00:51
Researchers at TU Delft have discovered a new ultra-strong material for microchip sensors. It is 10 times stronger than Kevlar, known for its use in bulletproof vests.

Researchers at Delft University of Technology, led by Associate Professor Richard North, have unveiled an amazing new material - amorphous silicon carbide (a-SiC). In addition to exceptional strength, this material demonstrates unique mechanical properties required for vibration isolation of microchips. Amorphous silicon carbide is therefore suitable for the development of ultra-sensitive sensors on microchips.

The range of applications for amorphous silicon carbide is very broad: from ultra-sensitive microchip sensors and modern solar cells to space exploration technology. The strength advantages of this material combined with its scalability make it extremely promising. Amorphous silicon carbide is produced in wafer form, which makes it possible to produce large sheets of incredibly strong material.

The new material has a tensile strength of 10 GPa. "To understand what this means, imagine stretching a piece of duct tape until it rips. If you want to simulate a tensile stress equivalent to 10 GPa, you would have to suspend ten medium-sized cars from that tape before it would tear," Norte said.
"With the advent of amorphous silicon carbide, we are on the cusp of microchip research that opens up a wide range of technological possibilities," said Norte.