Electronics news

Technical Visionary Speech at PCB East 2024

2024-05-23 14:15
As part of the upcoming PCB East 2024 technical conference, renowned technical visionary Harold Moss will be speaking.

He will present a talk titled "Using AI in the Design of Electronic Systems". The talk is scheduled for June 4, 2024 at 11am and will be held at the Boxboro Regency Hotel in Boxboro, Massachusetts.

In his presentation, Moss will outline the major changes that AI is bringing to the field and emphasize the need for the technology. From streamlining design processes to improving performance and reliability, AI has the potential to revolutionize every aspect of electronic systems design. Moss will also address common misconceptions and fears associated with AI and emphasize its role as an enabler of innovation.

Moss is currently CEO of Tautuk and continues to be at the forefront of technological innovation, guiding the company to new advances in AI, cloud computing, cybersecurity and other related fields. His participation in the PCB East 2024 conference will provide attendees with a visualization of how AI will shape the future of electronic systems design.