Electronics news

How to improve heat dissipation in PCB design?

2024-03-03 12:54
Designing heat dissipation is essential to ensure proper functioning of the PCB. Inefficient heat dissipation results in higher component temperatures, affecting performance and board life.

Heat sink design:
1. PCB design. Plan the spacing between components to ensure unobstructed airflow and avoid too dense wiring so as not to impede heat conduction and dissipation.
2. heat conduction:
- Use metal foil as a heat conductive material when connecting high-power components to heat sinks or metal substrates.
- Choose materials with good thermal conductivity for the substrate: aluminum or copper.
3. When selecting and designing heat sinks, consider the following factors:
- size and shape depending on power consumption and heat dissipation requirements;
- choose the material of the radiators depending on the specific requirements. Aluminum radiators have good heat dissipation and are lightweight, while copper radiators have higher thermal conductivity;
- install heatsinks near components on the PCB that generate a significant amount of heat to ensure fast heat transfer.
4. Heat dissipation fan. In heavy-duty PCB designs, the use of heat sinks alone may not be sufficient to dissipate heat. In such cases, consider using a fan to increase airflow and improve heat dissipation.