Electronics news

Sunlight Glasses printed circuit board sunglasses

2024-04-01 20:44
Dave Bennett has developed Sunlight Glasses sunglasses that protect the eye and retina from harmful ultraviolet radiation.

The glasses are equipped with two sensors. One monitors light intensity by correlating with sunlight. The second, a light sensor with a blue light filter calculates light intensity.

To make the glasses lightweight, Bennett designed a custom PCB containing Nordic Semiconductor's nRF52 SoC with a built-in BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) adapter. By establishing a connection with the phone, it is possible to view sensor data through an iOS app that Bennett developed is made by 3D printing.

Sunlight Glasses: https://youtu.be/xIHv9QHtEUs?si=Ha0Z4ZYagNgBxj3N