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Electronics news

Sound Lab - simple analog synthesizer

Sound Lab is a simple analog synthesizer that works without a microcontroller.

David Johnson-Davis' single-board synthesizer works without a microcontroller. The device includes six sound modules: an LFO, an envelope generator, an oscillator, a filter, a noise generator, and an amplifier. Together they create a variety of sounds, including nature sounds, animal noises, and mechanical sounds.

Unlike other synthesizers, Sound Lab does not require complex programming. It consists of resistors, capacitors, diodes, and integrated circuits such as LM555D oscillators and LM358 operational amplifiers.

The unit is assembled on a single printed circuit board, eliminating the vast majority of wiring. The controls, including 12 potentiometers and 10 SPDT toggle switches, are mounted in through-holes on the front panel, while the surface-mount electronics are soldered to the rear panel in available 0805 and SOIC packages. And no need to worry about programming!