Electronics news

Oak Development Technologies upgrades IcyBlue Feather FPGA board

2024-04-12 12:51
Oak Development Technologies has announced a new compact IcyBlue Feather board for Lattice Semi iCE5LP4K-based FPGA development.

The original IcyBlue Feather was released in February 2023. The updated version is based on the same FPGA and a modern USB Type-C connector for data and power, as well as a number of unspecified "hardware fixes".

That said, none of the original's features have disappeared: there are still two hardware I2C and SPI blocks available without consuming FPGA resources, two user-addressable single-color LEDs and one RGB LED, and 22 available GPIOs via board connectors.

The IcyBlue combines the best features of the iCE40 FPGA with the Adafruit feather form factor to create an extensive sensor and add-on environment. This makes it easier than ever to explore FPGA design.

The new board is available for order from the Oak Development Technologies Tindie store for $74.95; design files and documentation are available on GitHub under a combined MIT hardware/software license. https://www.tindie.com/products/oakdevtech/icyblue-fpga-feather-v2/.