Electronics news

STMicroelectronics demo board helps develop dual-motor designs

2024-05-26 11:27
STMicroelectronics' EVSPIN32G4-DUAL demo board controls two motors from a single integrated STSPIN32G4 driver, accelerating product development and simplifying PCB design and bill of materials (BoM).

The EVSPIN32G4-DUAL board reduces time-to-market for advanced industrial and consumer products such as robots, factory automation systems, gardening equipment and power tools. The demo board utilizes the advanced STSPIN32G4 three-phase gate driver and the optional STDRIVE101 gate driver to control two three-phase inverters.

The EVSPIN32G4-DUAL also utilizes the integrated STSPIN32G4 power management circuitry, resulting in a compact, low BoM design that is easy to purchase and quick to assemble in production. The board is available at a price of $145.