Electronics news

Waveshare BG95-M3 Zero board

2024-05-24 11:47
The Waveshare BG95-M3 Zero is a Quectel cellular module with Python support in the Raspberry Pi Zero format.

The BG95-M3 Zero development board combines Python with cellular capabilities for IoT. Python is a versatile scripting programming language. It is suitable for a variety of tasks for many platforms, from iOS and Android to server operating systems.

The board is equipped with Quectel's BG95-M3 multi-mode LPWA module, which supports LTE Cat M1/LTE Cat NB2/EGPRS and provides high data rates. The module also has a GNSS receiver that supports various satellite systems.

The Waveshare BG95-M3 Zero board has a Raspberry Pi Zero form factor and is compatible with a HAT 40-pin GPIO connector. It has a similar design to the Raspberry Pi Zero and is controlled by QuecPython, a fork of MicroPython.

The BG95-M3 Zero is designed to develop devices for the Internet of Things and creates a flexible platform for cellular communications.