Electronics news

LPDDR flash memory for automotive systems

2023-12-13 00:36
Next-generation automotive systems go beyond existing technologies.

Adding advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and other advanced features requires more processing power and expanded capabilities. In addition, OEMs are enhancing the user experience (UX) with innovations that improve convenience, efficiency, and safety for drivers and passengers.

To maintain performance and efficiency, today's automotive applications require a fast underlying memory array to take full advantage. However, at advanced manufacturing nodes, the embedded non-volatile memory technology that meets the automotive industry's requirements is high cost (die area) and lacks scalability. An external memory approach is necessary, but the needs of software-defined automotive architecture exceed the capabilities of the latest xSPI NOR flash memory, which simply cannot deliver real-time XiP performance.

LPDDR flash is a key technology for next-generation automotive systems, providing an interface to external flash memory with performance sufficient for real-time computing and XiP capabilities for domain and zone controllers. With benefits such as 20x faster random read operations and 8x lower power consumption, LPDDR technology will enable next-generation vehicles to deliver enhanced capabilities, security and architectural flexibility.