Electronics news

Sondrel completes development of 5nm process chip

2024-01-30 02:52
British chipmaker Sondrel has completed development of a chip with 50 billion transistors on 5nm process and is now preparing to move to 3nm.

Chip developer Sondrel provides full turnkey services for the design, testing, packaging and manufacturing of complex ASIC and system-on-chip (SOC) digital integrated circuits.

Graham Curren, CEO of Sondrel, said: "Just a few years ago, our largest chip contained 30 billion transistors. Our latest design has over 50 billion transistors. Many factors were considered to realize the 5nm design: the number of engineers working on the project, the size of the design database, the complexity of data management, design rules and advanced computing infrastructure capabilities. A project management system to control all aspects of the design, ensures timely delivery of good quality products. We typically design several identical chips at the same time, as we have more than 130 engineers, and we have the skilled resources to create the right number of teams for each design phase."