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Electronics news

Canonical launches Ubuntu Linux for the RISC-V Milk-V Mars single board computer (SBC)

Canonical has adapted the Ubuntu Linux operating system for the Milk-V Mars single board computer (SBC), which runs on the RISC-V architecture.

This is a continuation of Canonical's strategy to expand support for RISC-V-based devices. Ubuntu 24.04 Server has been optimized for the Milk-V Mars board, which features a compact design, affordable price, and extensive developer features.

Canonical's goal is to democratize innovation through open source and open standards. Milk-V Mars is the second RISC-V-based device released by Milk-V. It features the quad-core RISC-V system-on-a-chip StarFive JH7110 and offers similar performance to the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Ubuntu for Milk-V Mars is already available for download from the official Ubuntu RISC-V website, and images for other RISC-V-powered devices are also available.