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Electronics news

Roller on a flex-rigid PCB

A flex-rigid PCB consists of rigid and flexible parts.

During the design process, the general outline of the board and the contours of the rigid and flexible parts are specified. The connection between them is carefully worked out to prevent breakage. It is recommended to use an adhesive-free polyimide substrate for the rigid part to increase board reliability and avoid problems with thermal expansion of the adhesive.

The material of the flexible part of the board is prone to fracture and damage, so the flexible parts are reinforced with copper and the inside corners with fiberglass cloth or copper reinforcement.

To reduce the likelihood of fracture, a silicone roller is used at the junction with the rigid part of the board and a small amount of flexible board coating is left on the rigid part. This helps prevent the copper walls of the holes from tearing and keeps the circuitry reliable.

Overall, the flex-rigid PCB is a complex structure and its design requires careful consideration and adherence to certain constraints to ensure reliability and functionality.