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Electronics news

Miloš Rasic's Raspberry Pi Pico-based soldering construction for mounting SMD components

A homemade device consisting of several components melts solder paste, simplifying the assembly of printed circuit boards.

For his project, Milos Rasic purchased an inexpensive 400W heating element that accepts 220V AC voltage, used a Raspberry Pi Pico board that acts as a controller, a digitally adjustable thermistor to set the exact temperature needed for the solder paste, and an OLED display and dial.

The temperature sensor is a negative temperature coefficient (NTC) thermistor. The output power is controlled by a PID controller for safety and accuracy. The hot plate housing is made of plywood for thermal insulation. Rasich successfully assembled the device and demonstrated its operation by soldering the chips onto a printed circuit board.

To learn more about this project, watch the video.